Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Day in the Sun

Well, I think that first I am going to have to apologize to my wonderful mother, and then I will have to defend myself for the result of my actions... but yeah. Let's just say that despite 3 coats of sunscreen, parts of my back look like a watermelon, the inside of a watermelon. But I also had tons of fun doing it, and I don't think that i'll regret it too much, especially since I tried really hard to keep my back safe! The rest of me is fine, I just think that the back took the brunt of it all. Why? you may ask? Well, it's because I have the chance for the first time in my life to go snorkeling!
This is not one of the prescribed field trips, but as students we all pitched in a got 2 buses, rented the snorkeling gear, and got a meal to eat, all for the low price of 145 NIS! Really a great deal when you think that we drove for 4 hours to get to Eilat, the border town that we had all the activities in. We got up at a bright and early 530am for breakfast so that we could get down to Eilat by about 10am. We got there about 1030 and then after a little orientation talking to us about safety and where we could and couldn't go, we got to get in the water. Now, this was my first time snorkeling like I said, and so at first I really was nervous, and my body really couldn't get used to the fact that I could have my face in the water and still breathe, so I would hyperventilate as I looked down through my mask. It took about 15 min to get used to it, and then a little more courage to get to diving, but man it was amazing. The reef here it just so amazing! I could not believe that I was actually here with the fish all around me, and all of the beautiful things that you normally don't get to see!

I had one of my friends here, Tyler, as a guide since he has done these things a lot, and he taught me how to get the hang of the whole thing. We were at a preserve, and so there were certain parts of the reef that were off limits. All of the shallow reef was off limits, but you could swim right along the cliff reef and see all of the coral and the fish that make this place their home. It was about a 15 ft cliff and we could swim along about 300 yds of it. I saw all kinds of fish in all kinds of colors. I just remeber having the thought, "Now i finally get to see in real life what I have only seen on TV!" and I loved it! One of the favorite fish that I saw (and learned the name of) was a parrot fish, and I actually dove after one and got about 3 inches from touching it before it saw me and dodged my hand. It was also one of the bigger fish that I saw there, although there was this big black one.... i don't know what that one was.

One of the coolest parts though was this rock that was about 50 feet towards the deep part of the sea. This rick was covered in coral and had become it's own little isolated ecosystem with all the things that you would expect to see in a shallow reef. This was also a really cool place because there were just schools of fish that surrounded the reef, and you could actually get up close and with gentle swimming, join the school and swim with them. As long as you didn't make too sudden of movements, they didn't mind that you were there! These were Dory-like fish, all blue and a little color here and there. I did see little clownfish as well swimming in their anemones and other fish that I recognized from the ever so popular "Odell Down Under" PC game! I knew that would come in helpful some day!

One of the other cool things about this rock was that the top of it was only about 4 feet from the surface, so it was really easy to dive down and get really close to the small animals and coral that were growing, as well as many of the animals that live right on the reef itself. It was here that i learned better how to dive and I could get about 10-15 feet down and stay there long enough to really enjoy what I was seeing. My ears still don't appreciate what I put them through, but my eyes are thanking me still! I really am still in wonder at the wonderful creations that God made for us. There is a whole new beauty of the world that I have gotten to appreciate now, and i'm so thankful for the great opportunity that I had to enjoy this part of His creation.

When I wasn't diving I was on the beach just relaxing (with my shirt on mother) and enjoying life. It was one of the first real times that I have felt like I wasn't worried about anything. I true 'vacation' moment where i didn't even have to worry about getting to see everything in time, I could just sit and enjoy where I was. One thing too, swimming in salt water for a while really gets your lips all weird. I remember getting out of the water and taking a drink, and I could just feel my lips perk up! I know, that's an odd way of putting it, but that is what it was like! And then the salt dries on you and makes you all crusty... yeah, there are some things about salt water that and not the best, but It is really worth the sacrifice I think!

On the way back we stopped at the same kibbutz that we had on our way back from Egypt, and had a great meal. Of course by this time i was already starting to feel a few of the worse burns, and i'm not even going to mention what the ride back and that night was like... but i'm getting better now, and two days later, a lot of my back is starting to heal and get better. There is just one nasty little spot that was right above my swim trunks that must not have been gotten at all, or only once, cuz it's bad, but other than that it's all just a light burn now.

Anyway, I hope that you are all having fun! I'll hear from you all soon I hope, and Congratulations Carmen! That's really exciting! Hope all works out for you!

Talk laters...

Oh, and this is a video of Cameron, one of the friends that I have made here. Let's just say it was quite the bus trip down!! :)

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